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PRR Unused Form C-2 Conductor's Train Fare Receipt

No. 411317 Coupon A, Coupon B and Coupon C

Item: 2010090504C8437D287BC5
Size2.75" x 8.5"
CodePRR Form C2
Custom CategoryConductor Tickets
DescriptionPennsylvania Railroad (PRR) Form C-2 Unused Conductor's Parlor Car Fare Receipt.
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PRR Unused Form C-2 Conductor's Train Fare Receipt
No. 411318 Coupon A, Coupon B and Coupon C
Item: 2010090504C8437D2F16E7
AffiliationPRRTypeConductor TicketsQuantity1
Size2.75" x 8.5"YearN/A  
PRR Unused Form C-2 Conductor's Train Fare Receipt
No. 411319 Coupon A, Coupon B and Coupon C
Item: 2010090504C8437D30EA26
AffiliationPRRTypeConductor TicketsQuantity1
Size2.75" x 8.5"YearN/A  
PRR Unused Form C-2 Conductor's Train Fare Receipt
No. 411320 Coupon A, Coupon B and Coupon C
Item: 2010090504C8437D3128AA
AffiliationPRRTypeConductor TicketsQuantity1
Size2.75" x 8.5"YearN/A  
PRR Unused Form C-2 Conductor's Train Fare Receipt
No. 411321 Coupon A, Coupon B and Coupon C
Item: 2010090504C8437D315991
AffiliationPRRTypeConductor TicketsQuantity1
Size2.75" x 8.5"YearN/A  
PRR Unused Form C-2 Conductor's Train Fare Receipt
No. 411322 Coupon A, Coupon B and Coupon C
Item: 2010090504C8437D31A76B
AffiliationPRRTypeConductor TicketsQuantity1
Size2.75" x 8.5"YearN/A  
PRR Unused Form C-2 Conductor's Train Fare Receipt
No. 411323 Coupon A, Coupon B and Coupon C
Item: 2010090504C8437D31D638
AffiliationPRRTypeConductor TicketsQuantity1
Size2.75" x 8.5"YearN/A  
PRR Unused Form C-2 Conductor's Train Fare Receipt
No. 411324 Coupon A, Coupon B and Coupon C
Item: 2010090504C8437D324226
AffiliationPRRTypeConductor TicketsQuantity1
Size2.75" x 8.5"YearN/A  
PRR Unused Form C-2 Conductor's Train Fare Receipt
No. 411325 Coupon A, Coupon B and Coupon C
Item: 2010090504C8437D3290F3
AffiliationPRRTypeConductor TicketsQuantity1
Size2.75" x 8.5"YearN/A  
PRR Unused Form C-2 Conductor's Train Fare Receipt
No. 411326 Coupon A, Coupon B and Coupon C
Item: 2010090504C8437D32CEA8
AffiliationPRRTypeConductor TicketsQuantity1
Size2.75" x 8.5"YearN/A  
PRR Unused Form C-2 Conductor's Train Fare Receipt
No. 411327 Coupon A, Coupon B and Coupon C
Item: 2010090504C8437D331E77
AffiliationPRRTypeConductor TicketsQuantity1
Size2.75" x 8.5"YearN/A  
PRR Unused Form C-2 Conductor's Train Fare Receipt
No. 411328 Coupon A, Coupon B and Coupon C
Item: 2010090504C8437D335B69
AffiliationPRRTypeConductor TicketsQuantity1
Size2.75" x 8.5"YearN/A  
PRR Unused Form C-2 Conductor's Train Fare Receipt
No. 411329 Coupon A, Coupon B and Coupon C
Item: 2010090504C8437D339A48
AffiliationPRRTypeConductor TicketsQuantity1
Size2.75" x 8.5"YearN/A  
PRR Unused Form C-2 Conductor's Train Fare Receipt
No. 411330 Coupon A, Coupon B and Coupon C
Item: 2010090504C8437D33CA71
AffiliationPRRTypeConductor TicketsQuantity1
Size2.75" x 8.5"YearN/A  


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