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Pullman 1960 Beverage Menu - Canadian National Railways

Travel Pullman for "heart of town" convenience

Item: 201305120519047ACE0BFF
Size12" x 9.25"
Cover ColorWhite
Menu CodeCAN-99-2C-F60
Menu TypePullman Railroad Bev. Menus
ConditionVery Good
DescriptionAn early example of Pullman's "Travel Pullman for heart of town convenience" stock cover from 1960. This menu is also rare since it was used in Canada in service on the Canadian National (CN) Railways (Railroad). The person selling this fine menu added the following interesting information "This covered the service of items that Pullman had to obtain in Canada because of the liquor laws and the liquor had to be kept in its own locker and sealed by customs before the car could enter the US just as the US liquor locker was sealed onentry into Canada."
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